Rolling Spoke: Noticing small things
Rolling Spoke: Dapper Fog Ride Mentally Fit After Head Amputation A THOUGHT FOR TODAY from A.Word.A.Day
blackeyeliner: thought police
Boris Capman: Umbrella
philipwhitcombe: Bringing home the groceries
Rolling Spoke: Drag Race
AlienInsight: McCall Lake, CO
AlienInsight: Field light
AlienInsight: Sunrise Tai Chi
Kipling West2.0: American Problems
Angelika Boyko: Viele Lake. Boulder, CO
Outbox: Portland Oregon Garden Tour
Geographer-at-Large: Photo 4 of 37.jpg
Geographer-at-Large: Krblin Jihn Kabin (with Plaque)
Geographer-at-Large: Building the Eqlmundi ED08-NV01aa - 1241.jpg
Geographer-at-Large: E08_0179.JPG
Tedalien: Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum (Köln)
rob.brink: Rautenstrauch-joest Museum
#rallebuzz: Just relax
Jesse Estes: Portland, Oregon