Klaus Eisner: Blässhuhn rennt übers Wasser
nikjanssen: Zonnige vriesmorgen
Aves Lux: Redwing
Averton: P1292119 Forward flight
Averton: P1292009 In the sun
croc1971: Wastwater Winter Sun
Alf Branch: Butteremere in clouds
John Tymon: Goldcrest
2020Visi0n: Short-eared Owl
mdgillies67: Kingfisher at dusk - with fish (29.1.25)
mdgillies67: Coot wars (6.1.25)
DonCoombez: Fairy in bird form
Scuba`Steve`: Kingfisher....Codnor Res, Derbyshire
Berkut54 ( Clive Bowley ): Redpoll - Acanthis flammea
octan82: Gil zwyczajny(Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
SteveYoung839: Short-eared owl
Bob Eade: Chequered Skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon).
hunt.keith27: Great Spotted Woodpecker (M) - (Dendrocopos major) 2 clicks for zoom
The Man in Camouflage!: Long-tailed tit in flight
David Brooker: Barn owl
Lagier01: Verderon
Tanja Blind: Baumläufer - Treecreeper - Certhia brachydactyla
xfnhrdxf25: Red Fox
xprinceps: Black-crowned night heron
Dusoswa: Jay - Gaai.
minvallaa: Buff-tailed bumblebee
martinabbess: Blue tit