vedebe: Vous, qui passez sans me voir.... / You, who pass by without seeing me...
dgarridosan: Gothic Tower, Oviedo´s Cathedral, Asturias, Spain
dgarridosan: The Wishing Tree, Plaza del Fontán, Oviedo, Asturias, España
abevil30: Warm vibes ✌️😎
Stu Patterson: My United States of Whatever!
vedebe: Qui ose venir nous réveiller? / Who dares to wake us up?
vedebe: Evasion d'un vélo... ! / Escape of a bike...!
- Etude -: Shining in the Hill
Stu Patterson: Branch Terminus
- Etude -: Sunrise at Bled
dykat: image_65
dykat: Horseshoe Bend
dykat: Lower Antelope Canyon IMG_7543
dykat: IMG_7556
dykat: image_15
dykat: image_69
dykat: image_136
vedebe: Par la fenêtre ouverte... / Through the open window...
Andrzej Kocot: Eagle Nests Trail
judylim333: _DSC2113
dgarridosan: Cudillero at dusk, Asturias, Spain
menjiunn: PA130326
dgarridosan: Wednesday dusk colors beyond the towers, Madrid, Spain
dgarridosan: Highway to the stadium, Madrid, Spain
Andrzej Kocot: Quo Vadis
dgarridosan: Evening commute, M-40 highway, Madrid, Spain
Photos By Dlee: Osaka Castle
Photos By Dlee: Osaka Castle II