Art et émotion: Temps orageux
dahudmorgane: D'un pas silencieux, je veille sur les secrets de la nuit avec sagesse et discrétion.
Amazing iPhoneography: 177-366 62524 Hipstamatic Kakazakicho L-Kuma F-Hiragana 95
Laura Rowan: “The deer is a gentle reminder that beauty can be found even in the simplest of creatures.”
Laura Rowan: “Let us learn from butterfly to count life in each and every moment and make the most of it.”
Frescura Obscura: A Gathering in Ferndale
Frescura Obscura: Ferndale Continued
aenima64: Abeille
pmkelly: End of the Road at the End of the Day
pmkelly: Wichita Falls
rnrhglnd: Landscape through the wet train window
Laura Rowan: Master of his domain
Alerko: Last light
Alerko: Up in the trees
Frescura Obscura: Monsterpalooza 15 2024
Frescura Obscura: Monsterpalooza 15 2024
bugsuperstar: Time can make more rubble out of dreams than anything.
CrusherBob: DSCF8285
Laura Rowan: "Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly." — John Lennon
Amazing iPhoneography: 155-366 6324 Hipstamatic L-Scotty P F-SPRKT-BW
Laura Rowan: Beauty and the beast
Laura Rowan: In a world full of darkness, be someone's light....
Frescura Obscura: Monsterpalooza 15 2024
Frescura Obscura: Monsterpalooza 15 2024
Frescura Obscura: Zombie Bride and Groom
aenima64: Abeille et fleurs d'Olivier