Tim S. Trebla: ...eh, hello there...
Tim S. Trebla: ...Spinning Class Purgatory...
Tim S. Trebla: ...Gathering of the Nightrider Club...
Tim S. Trebla: ...don't worry, they are just curious...
Tim S. Trebla: ...Ghost of a Dog...
Tim S. Trebla: ...nostalgia...
Tim S. Trebla: ... a state of independence...
Tim S. Trebla: ...midnight run...
Tim S. Trebla: ...dream within a dream...
Tim S. Trebla: ...binnenzee...
Tim S. Trebla: Lucid Dreaming
Tim S. Trebla: 'So much water, such little time'
Tim S. Trebla: 'Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!'
Tim S. Trebla: ...destiny of species...
Tim S. Trebla: ...beyond Eden...
Tim S. Trebla: ...Cosmic Veil...
Tim S. Trebla: ...Dogs of War...
Tim S. Trebla: ...Dancing In The Streets...
Tim S. Trebla: ...It will be spring soon...
Tim S. Trebla: detail CagedFishInASmallPond002
Tim S. Trebla: the pond
Tim S. Trebla: the Flying Dutchman
Tim S. Trebla: illusion of time
Tim S. Trebla: NeuralPainting 1
Tim S. Trebla: ...once in a blue moon...
Tim S. Trebla: new reality
Tim S. Trebla: contemporary son of man
Tim S. Trebla: ...Brainfarm...(or a slightly romanticized view of a neural network)
Tim S. Trebla: ..up here, ererything floats...
Tim S. Trebla: skywhale