NRE: white railings Giuffrida Park
DocPants: 20190706-IMGP2824
DocPants: 20190706-IMGP2842
DocPants: 20190623-IMGP2609
NRE: F4 Crewed up
NRE: F4 in the HAS
NRE: McDonnell Douglas F4 Phantom
DocPants: 20190215-IMG_0249
DocPants: 20190215-IMG_0280
DocPants: 20180720-IMGP2401
DocPants: 20180720-IMGP2398
DocPants: 20180720-IMGP2393
DocPants: Thunderbirds
J. A. Robertson: Trinity College Chapel, Hartford, Connecticut
DocPants: 20180707-IMGP1451
DocPants: 20180608-IMGP1204
pix-4-2-day: underworld [EXPLORE 2018-06-09]
Orbmiser: Metal Bike Rack
J. A. Robertson: No, it isn't Venice, it's the Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut Wesleyan Art Center
David Coviello: Pozzo di San Patrizio (St. Patrick's Well) Orvieto
David Coviello: Pozzo di San Patrizio (St. Patrick's Well) Orvieto
DocPants: 20170818-IMGP0775
DocPants: 20170818-IMGP0770-2
DocPants: 20170721-IMGP0603
DocPants: 20170721-IMGP0609
DocPants: 20170721-IMGP0661
DocPants: 20170721-IMGP0691
maison_2710: Colorful squares