Miguel_Puze: Millennium Wheel o El London Eye
s@ssyl@ssy: Handle with care
Fotourbana: black ♥ white
Javier Bragado: Killus@Penelope_01
c0gnate: Faut vous dire, Monsieur
Miguel_Puze: Libélula
Fotourbana: El Alma
Fotourbana: Estoy contento
Fernando Lamarca FLA: Golden Eye Zaragozano IR 680nm TM
Akfirebug: The University of Fairbanks Light Pollution
NPPhotographie: Toskana - lonely tree
Marcos Arruda: sky of joy... Marcos Arruda - 1º lugar no DUETOS, dia 22/02/2011 e MELHOR FOTO DO DIA 22/02/2011
Zimmergimmer: Full Circle
Tomasito.!: Man Of Steel (Tagged)
 Bianca Dörfel : * sugar lips *
Yousef Malallah: Squadron seabirds
Miguel_Puze: Mont Blanc - Monte Bianco - Monte Blanco
ErwanGrey: _65X2752
PequeñoStrobico: Mora splash 2
Riccardo Romano: [ falling ]
Ballygrant Boy: Polar Bear, Resolute Bay
melfa2009: The light of my life
Sariolus: monsieur et crepes