c0gnate: Charlotte
c0gnate: Charlotte
c0gnate: Morgan Adams
c0gnate: One day last winter
c0gnate: Amy Marie with her horse Scout
c0gnate: Season of the witch
c0gnate: A knowing look
c0gnate: One more time before the sun goes down
c0gnate: Somnia vera
c0gnate: Mystery Girl
c0gnate: Charlotte above the clouds at sunset
c0gnate: Solstice
c0gnate: Celina in California
c0gnate: Light my fire
c0gnate: Camille
c0gnate: Invitation
c0gnate: Contemplation
c0gnate: Last Chance
c0gnate: Ten days in the desert
c0gnate: Romantic Night Out
c0gnate: Winter in Shenandoah
c0gnate: Homeward bound
c0gnate: Love at first sight
c0gnate: There's a chill in the air but the water is still surprisingly warm
c0gnate: Winter in Shenandoah
c0gnate: Winter in Shenandoah
c0gnate: Winter is here!
c0gnate: Another Time
c0gnate: World Trade
c0gnate: Icelandic Breakers