turntable00000: stamens - 蘂
Tom Kondrat: screen
manyfires: an ode to breakfast, part five
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS)
manyfires: seashore whims, part five
Elizabeth Gadd: Kingdom of Isolation
Dave Hoefler: Simple Pines
Anton Novoselov: Early morning
Dave Hoefler: Points Of Interest
vanstaffs: Snowy beach
manyfires: live by love though the stars walk backward
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: spiral galaxy M83
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Hubble Views Stellar Genesis in the Southern Pinwheel
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Doing vs Thinking
steveskafte: golden memories
turntable00000: night view of Aoyama - 青山
Art & Vintage: Elisabeth Sonrel
Thomas Heaton: Fire & Ice | Leirvogsvatn Frozen Lake
amewzing: Geminid Lovejoy