Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Do What You Love™®© is lazy and unhelpful “advice”
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: One of those days / weeks / months / years / lives
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Unrequited emoji
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Honestly, it's fine
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: My Heart Is Not Broken (It's Just Really Bored)
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Note to self: Don't come up with product ideas on Mondays.
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: One Of Those Days
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Untitled or: How I Feel About You Put Into Words
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Resolutions (via Radiohead)
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Doing vs Thinking
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: I started my New Year's resolutions early.
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: GPOYW - The Kimya Dawson Edition (IV)
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Wolfroy Goes To Town
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: Britney Luanne Campbell
Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine: A Case of the Mondays