Tina Sosna: “Love is like a cloud in a lake. It’s reflective and makes it feel like you are flying, when you are really either swimming or trying not to drown.”
Tina Sosna: One last time, my water place
Tina Sosna: A secret touch
Tina Sosna: Seven years in your arms
Tina Sosna: Honest hearts
<<XCALC>>: Nikon FM - Filme 56 18
Mary Pavlova: 60480048
Tom Kondrat: reserved
Bastiank80: Above Breathing Valleys
laura zalenga: oneness
H o l l y.: "Alright, enough of that very unpleasant news."
Oliver Liria: Pet Shop Car Park
✞bens▲n: contentment//
O9k: Swirling sparks
O9k: Ghosts
O9k: Heat
Eugene Woronyuk: Monument Valley