lily_whitebear: Thinking of Christmas
lily_whitebear: Making Deliveries
lily_whitebear: The City's Little Messenger
lily_whitebear: Christmas Shoppping
lily_whitebear: A Doll A Week (2/52)
lily_whitebear: Azone, Alvastaria, Kyno - The City's Little Messenger
lily_whitebear: After the Rush
lily_whitebear: Oh no! Amazon Returns!
lily_whitebear: A Doll A Week (3/52)
Frank Hendriks Photography: And day to day, life's a hard job, you get tired, you lose the pattern. You need distance, interval. The way to see how beautiful the earth is, is to see it as the moon. The way to see how beautiful life is, is from the vantage point of death.
Photo Alan: Driftwood - Film Zeiss
Graham S Paton: the mor (1 of 1)
Mateusz Koziatek: Slovenia Air Force Pilatus PC-9M L9-66
Gaetan Bois: France - Espalion
Sultan Sultani: Female Ruby-crowned Kinglet
bottlefairy: P1005243
bottlefairy: P1005249
bottlefairy: P1005291-強化-NR
bottlefairy: P1005296-強化-NR
bottlefairy: _DSC8058-強化-NR
bottlefairy: _DSC8137
John Hallam Images: Underside Structure of Very Old Ashness Packhorse Bridge in the Lake District
John Hallam Images: Frost on the Trees Growing up the Hillside in the Lake District
Yowyi: Leica M5 & Leica M6
Frank van Dongen: Winter’s Quiet Goodbye to the Day
Frank Hendriks Photography: You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.
WilliamND4: Red and Green mini-M&Ms.
Sasha's Lab: Red and Green
Mateusz Koziatek: Turkey Air Force Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker 62-3563
Frank Hendriks Photography: There’s a whole world out there, right outside your window. You’d be a fool to miss it.