Rainbirder: Shimmering Secretary!
joyteale: Cymbidium Orchids
joyteale: Cymbidium Orchids
joyteale: Cymbidium Orchids
joyteale: Donkey orchid (Diuris corymbosa)
joyteale: Fringe Lily (Thysanotus sp)
joyteale: It still feels like Winter but it looks like Spring
dcstep: Let me out, I want to fly
dcstep: Oriole chick sticks his head out.
dcstep: Under attack!
hellotim80: Spot the Birdy!
dcstep: Oops, suddenly the coyote sees me...
Bob the Birdman and All Around Nature Guy: Lady Goudian Finch (male) {National Aviary}
greysparrow: Likely Lads
cosmos38 - the real one: Splendid Fairy Wren
Degilbo on flickr: 20130221 Perspective
Brittamay: You're NO Eagle, Mr. Crow!!
Nydiaso.: Blue-grey Tanager. Azulejo Común.
Clement Tang *: Heidelberg : Moments before sunrise . . .
hellotim80: Long Tailed Tit
Brandohl Photography [Wendy]: Spoonie @CBBR - IMG_3881 60D
dcstep: Amber eyes coyote
NZ Nature by Glenda Rees: A Grebe Valentine
Marco 5280: Merlin with Pigeon
Clement Tang *: Indian Peacock : In flight !!!
Tee H Tan: Happy Lunar New Year to all Flickr friends! 恭祝大家蛇年行大運,身體健康,吉祥如意!
Bob the Birdman and All Around Nature Guy: A Mount Pleasant Morning (HDR)
KatyC2009: Queen Creek, Arizona