Shotaku: Kwan Yin
cleostan: Moonrise - Réveil Lunaire
Bernard C**: L’Auvergnate Formidable
Alexandre Chanson: Silhouettes(2)
pjvidal63: Chaine des Puys
rufeng0758: 羊湖镜像
Michael_Dke: Les balades nocturnes à Clermont-Fd
corteck: marcoles 2014
Mmarichka: Magic Land Théâtre
Mmarichka: Magic Land Théâtre
Mmarichka: Magic Land Théâtre
Le Dieu of Volcanoes: Mad Muppet - Keymi
Le Dieu of Volcanoes: Village de Saint-Chély-du-Tarn et sa cascade (Gorges du Tarn - Lozère)
Le Dieu of Volcanoes: Montmartre - Paris (France)
*Agnes: ein deutscher Pleitegeier?
Tazer - Anthony Ith: Independence Day - Storm - Clermont-Ferrand
Ray Delrone: Follow the leader
Laroche.gilbert: Estives Moutons Aube flamboyante sur le lac de Guéry, Auvergne
bloodybee: unzip me (brescia, italy)
mbryan777: Sunflowers and Old Wood - Winner Best of Nikonians 2011 HDR
Dan Mihai: Rough Beauty
Amanda Mabel: Day 118/365 ~ It Seems like Years Since It's Been Here
- rickster -: Five Good Reasons To Wear A Tie