Victor - ️‍️✪ (only use smartphones): - gathering - #iphone #ants #closeup #freestyle #abstract #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #blackandwhitephotography #bnw #bnwphotography #bw #bwphotography #monochromephotography #monochrome #other
Markus Binzegger: Even best friends have disagreements from time to time.
benoitalluin: Sur le carreau
gioklaic: green
Joey Z1: First Dip Of The New Year 2018- In Explore
evol5: Sneaking Past the Guard
davide photography: 4 passi in centro
Geraint Rowland Photography: What Exactly is This Creature?
finduself admin: IMG_7253
Victor - ️‍️✪ (only use smartphones): - jealous - “don’t look at me like that” #clothesline #jeans #freestyle #abstract #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhitephoto #bnw #bnwphotography #bw #bwphotography #monochrome #monochromephotography #other #iphone
Victor - ️‍️✪ (only use smartphones): - paradox - #freestyle #paradox #other #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhitephoto #bnw #bnwphotography #bw #bwphotography #monochrome #monochromephotography #iphone
Mariano Iorio: Old women
Steve Lundqvist: Stop Pictures, Please!
Black&Light Streetphotographie: Things used to be better
Guido Klumpe: Rainy Times
Joan Puig Massuet: Músicos en ruta Le maitre nageur
angelo appoloni: DSC_2525_4043. Pacchi- Parcels.
Yann OG: Slovenia
Yann OG: Ljubljana
gabrielfiuza: Petrified smiley faces
Joan Puig Massuet: Averia en el Malecón
Victor - ️‍️✪ (only use smartphones): - keep smile - “you can close your lips, but if you give a friendly smile to everyone is not pay, then why don't you give a lot of smile so that the world is full of peace” #smile #smileforyouall #bnw #bw #monochrome #other #freestyle #iphone #skancheli
Joey Z1: Hirsch Has It ! - Late Night Still Life
Steve Lundqvist: Cast about Cats
oiZox: Waiting for Romeo
-Faisal Aljunied - !!: Danger - Keep Out !!