B__E__G: L'inizio della corsa
Dacorbus: Cloud Factory
LuPan59: IMG_20190920_152213
oprisco: ***
Marco Lamberto (mobile): To protect and to serve.
Claudio Taras: Veni..Vidi...Vici
jeffclouet: Alone at Grand Arch
Hans-Jörg Aleff: Virtual Reality
João Cruz Santos: Towards the unknown
Davide Zappettini: " Il biglietto "
ElBiSt (Bianca Stoicheci): walk or sit on water?
photozalman: The moment of life
Dai Ito: 20170227-1
bschaefers: CologneInPeepsInDark
bschaefers: CologneLadyReadingNewspaper
AzlanMAM: the Lagendary Mr. Clean....
miss.interpretations: The Magic of the Season
skamelone: Observed
Luis Miguel Torres Manchola: New York City, USA, 2015.
Tilemachos Papadopoulos: Walking in pairs
Cava AL: Untitled
Cava AL: Courtyard