folkmew: Drawing spirals
folkmew: Pebbles and pictures of Goldsworthy's use of stones for inspiration
MagaMerlina: Pebble Mandala
Martin Ystenes - Beautiful little island with a lonely tree and a magic reflection
Manuela Salzinger: Spätsommerwiesenblume - late summer meadow flower
fotomie2009 #NoWar: indovinate che fiore è :)))
Tropic36 (off, sin tiempo...): Reflejos en el Burbia
Tres_km1: Presencia... III
pepeplus2: en el aire / in the air
**meme**: yellow
Melisenda2010: Ombrellifere contro il cielo bianco
Gigio Schwarz: Loosing focus...
MiFleur, Thanks for your comments and faves.: The last flowers of the summer
Can Bozkır: Triple
dr_sequoia: Calatrava Sundial Bridge, Redding, California
didier95: Marguerites
Amiela40: Diamond
CameliaTWU: Clumps of lichens
falco8-1: IMG_2616
aroon_kalandy: Gravity Bounded......
alain vaissiere: A bicyclette
Halea-Kala: Umbrella Party
YAZMDG (19,900 images): reflections of wisteria