J-Pierre.Pola: Les mémoires solitaires.
J-Pierre.Pola: Même si les pluies, les vents, des hommes les tempêtes, you know I'm here, and I'll always be. You can call. Whenever you need to.
J-Pierre.Pola: Je n'ai jamais su me nourrir de vos silences...
J-Pierre.Pola: You know I miss you too!
J-Pierre.Pola: Cruel suns burnt our eyes...
J-Pierre.Pola: The days when you feel you can fall in love with the postman. Ha!
J-Pierre.Pola: And we shut our eyes.
J-Pierre.Pola: Then we learned how to bend time! RW5
J-Pierre.Pola: But shall we be able to be in peace?
J-Pierre.Pola: Les lambeaux de ma mémoire : Paris !
J-Pierre.Pola: The imprisoned sea... RW3
J-Pierre.Pola: Etre. Solitaire. Unique. RW8
J-Pierre.Pola: But tell me there still are flowers!
J-Pierre.Pola: I think of you. On every single day of my life. C3.
geirt.com: walk the mine
graphistolage: { Mauritius - Abri bus }
Manon-G: montreal
Bastiank80: Sit-In
Laurent Peugniez: La banane