dl109: 2011-10-14_11-05-35Chelsea Milling 2011-10-14_11-05-35DSC_3606
Ottergoose: Siller S-64; Minnapolis, MN
HistoryBricks: Baby Blackbird
MN-DanK: Job 67 Fridley, MN
Ottergoose: N703TW & N1A; Los Angeles, CA
Ottergoose: Bucyrus Spreader Plow Cab; St. Paul, MN
GeorgiaRailfan31602: The pencil tank car heads south through Folkston.
Brian Kays: Passing a Rochester Icon
cc8039: Soo Line
cc8039: PGR 74
cc8039: Rad
cc8039: DME 6083
dan mackey: SCGX 105
Adam Sporka: 8-segment Art Nouveau Font ver. 2
KW_Vauban: Martian Outpost
KermitC2013: Basking in the Prairie Sun
John Fladung: NS 7617 - Backward 8 - Hawley, MN
Ottergoose: Two Takes on Heritage at a Three Way Meet; Fridley, MN
Ottergoose: Moonrise at the High Bridge; Arcola, MN
Mulad: IMAG0096
John Fladung: BNSF 972551 & BNSF 1543 - Staples, MN
Ottergoose: Jordan Spreader Detail; Kasson, MN
DON'T BE HATIN': IAIS 9201 - 8000 - 7081 - Anita IA
AgentADQ: 100918_28_FolsomRRfair
nolnet: 1.21 Gigawatts
Ottergoose: Another Grain Elevator; Byron, MN
ocrr4204: EMDX 7102 OCRR Walkley Yard Ottawa, Ontario Canada April 26th, 2008 ©Ian A. McCord
bourdrez: The Dutchest thing
ammnra: Hello Kitty Sphere