kynne L.: Lavanya Nauvari
Following Hadrian: Mosaic with pastoral, hunting, and wine making scenes, Khirbet al-Mukhayyat, 6th century AD, Mount Nebo, Jordan
Following Hadrian: Sasanian gilded silver vessel, National Museum of Iran, Tehran, Iran
Following Hadrian: Lucus Feroniae, Italy
Following Hadrian: Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, Egypt
Following Hadrian: Fresco depicting a priestess wearing the Anubis mask, from the ekklesiasterion of the Temple of Isis in Pompeii, Naples National Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Kerameikos, Athens
Following Hadrian: Kerameikos, Athens
Following Hadrian: Kerameikos, Athens
Following Hadrian: Exhibition: The Torlonia Marbles. Collecting Masterpieces, Rome (2021)
Following Hadrian: Model of snake and marble ritual vessel (phiale - libation bowl), find from household shrines, late 4th - early 1st c. BC, Archaeological Museum, Pella
Anaguma: TEPCO Control Room #6 of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant, Futaba, Japan 福島第一原子力発電所
Anaguma: Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plants no. 2, 3, & 4, Futaba-cho 福島第一原子力発電所
Chosetec: Chocobo (The Yellow Bird)
Nancie McK: Dragon's Head..........Nun's Temple, Daejeon
tsuda: Oyashirazu
anartist: untitled
bliyrskel: Staglieno, holga
tomdebiec: Machu Picchu holga 5
Sh0rty: Temple Relief
SaraYeomans: DSCN1295
【K】: 斗六.鐵軌
happygrrl: Tour Eiffel
happygrrl: Brooklyn Bridge
happygrrl: Carmel Valley Tree
teotwawki: Road to Nowhere
darceyki: dino
[ CK ]: Birds of a Feather
Matt Callow: Lex 35
Matt Callow: Lex 35