tomdebiec: 110-062
tomdebiec: 110-026
tomdebiec: Geometric Ornamentation
tomdebiec: So Many Places To Go - Cairo
tomdebiec: The Singers - Dusty Springfield
tomdebiec: 110-066
tomdebiec: Six Dimensional Boolean Lattice of Hexagrams
tomdebiec: So Many Places To Go - Seattle
tomdebiec: The Singers - Pasty-Kline
tomdebiec: 110-065
tomdebiec: Geometric Ornamination
tomdebiec: So Many Places To Go - Seattle
tomdebiec: The Singers - Astrud Gilberto
tomdebiec: 110-095
tomdebiec: Geometric Ornamentation
tomdebiec: So Many Places To Go - Vatican City
tomdebiec: The Singers - Ellla Fitzgerald
tomdebiec: 110-024
tomdebiec: Geometric Ornamentation
tomdebiec: So Many Places To Go - Sao Paulo
tomdebiec: 35mm-112
tomdebiec: 110-096
tomdebiec: Geometric Ornamentation
tomdebiec: So Many Places To Go - London
tomdebiec: 35mm-080
tomdebiec: 110-047
tomdebiec: Complex Geometric Shapes
tomdebiec: So Many Places to Go - Amsterdam
tomdebiec: Philadelphia314a
tomdebiec: 110-006