tearapen73: ghost fishing
dr_marvel: Stavanger Harbor
Soeradjoen: Flowers
algo: woods in the Winter
faffy83: Non c'è rosa senza spine.
JMSF415: She loves the beach
grace*c*: Currituck Lighthouse inside b&w
Made by BeaG: Pattern for Crocheted Beads (Patroon voor Gehaakte Kralen)
grace*c*: LOVE
nj dodge: m&m anyone?
Orbmiser: Pioneer Square Seagull Series 1 of 4
Orbmiser: Window Shopping 1 of 3
Frances Fu: 福籤解釋
Copperdog ~ Diane: O’Donnell’s, Newfoundland
herobyday: Day 28/365 - Crayons
mquest foto: mid jan 440-1
mquest foto: pizza dreams 007-1
Uncle~Walt: snowflake
steph_who: Rain soaked
cteteris: เกาะห้า
Brady the Golden Retriever: And to all a good night (157 of 365)
Fiamma°: Does it really matter?
JD Hancock: Textured Rainbokeh
tearapen73: maymont
tearapen73: the sky's not gonna fall today....ask chicken little...
tearapen73: mary at the park