l.acbs.(gracias 6.8 millones visitas): Cárabo común (Strix alauco).
philippe.vitel29: Jeune phoque commun de Roscoff
zdanneels: Buddies
strjustin: Cool Aquarium Fish 1-4-23
strjustin: Yellow Jacket Eating 8-11-23
cmfritz: for the soul
georgemosna: Another day in the office
strjustin: Cute Little Conowingo Jumper 7-26-23
PhR_Photos: Halp, I've been taken!
Koen Bernaers: Pair of storks @Zwin nature reserve
Torok_Bea: Nagy kócsag (Ardea alba, Egretta alba, Casmerodius albus)
suziebradbury: Resting
badger2028: Great crested grebe
Carlos Tena: _DSC9316
Xx7trey: Sylvan jumping spider (Colonus sylvanus)
strjustin: Cromwell Sparrow in the Wind 5-5-22
Jambo Jambo: Breakfast
Bonzo Din: Lake Fuschl, Salzburg Province, Austria ["EXPLORE" 15-07-2021]
iBriphoto: The Shore - 02 Jan 2023 - 139.jpg
iBriphoto: Ice Castles - 13 Dec 2022 - ver 02.jpg
Hervé S, France: Le petit garçon en bleu
ZAPIGATA: Varados en la arena
ansgar11: Eagle portrait