billlmf: AirCanadaRouge_276_C-GBHO
Kalaena: Gotham Drama
rgcmcelroy: Spring poplars
rgcmcelroy: Spotted Sandpiper
rgcmcelroy: High Falls Lake Fire
rgcmcelroy: Logs, Beach, and Sky
rgcmcelroy: Paddling to Presqu'isle
Maplegum65: Re-breasted Nuthatch
Judylynn M.: Sitting-Pretty. !!!!!!
Judylynn M.: A Burst Of Color !!!!!!!!!!
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_085928
Judylynn M.: Under-The-Canopy !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Phiddy1: Northern Cardinal female
Rouge_Lucifer: Market Gate
Megan Lorenz: Rain Dance
Megan Lorenz: Winging It
Corey Hayes: Willow-ptarmigan
jaros 2(Ron): Early morning, Presqu'ile Lighthouse, Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Brighton, Ontario
Megan Lorenz: I Missed You
Earl Reinink: In the spotlight.
thomassylthe: DSC_5330.jpg
jaros 2(Ron): Standing tall
Earl Reinink: Wilson's Plover
-JRL- Photo's: Broadbill Hummingbird
steff808: Happy Hallowen Everyone
Earl Reinink: I'm watching you