Chapps.SL: Polychrome terracotta figure of Isis-Aphrodite
Chapps.SL: Rock crystal of a ‘Crouching Venus’ statuette
Chapps.SL: So-called Psyche of Capua
Chapps.SL: Fresco with Venus, Mars, and Cupid
Chapps.SL: Votive relief depicting a sacrifice
Chapps.SL: Fresco depicting a wounded Aeneas, Pompeii
Chapps.SL: Dionysiac Stibadium - Judgment of Apollo
Chapps.SL: Damaged fresco of Venus on the shell, from Pompeii
Chapps.SL: Wedding of Alexander and Roxanne or Mars and Aphrodite
Chapps.SL: Polychrome statuette of Venus from Pompeii
Chapps.SL: Polychrome Venus statue from Pompeii
Chapps.SL: Ptolemaic gold hairnet - detail
Chapps.SL: Bronze head of a Venus statuette, with gold earring
Chapps.SL: Bronze statuette of Venus chastising Cupid
Chapps.SL: The Esquiline Venus
Chapps.SL: Statue of Aphrodite-Venus, so-called ‘Pudica’
Chapps.SL: Articulated doll of Venus
Chapps.SL: Polychrome red-figure lekythos (oil jar)
Chapps.SL: Statuette of Venus Anadyomene
Chapps.SL: Greek silver medallion with gilding, depicting Aphrodite at her toilet
Chapps.SL: The Mazarin Venus
Chapps.SL: Roman black and white mosaic depicting a marine thiasos
Chapps.SL: Sculpture group depicting a Roman patrician couple as Venus and Mars
Chapps.SL: Headless statue of Aphrodite-Venus Anadyomene
Chapps.SL: Ptolemaic Greek gold hairnet, from Egypt
Chapps.SL: Terracotta altar with the myth of Adonis (first of two altars)
Chapps.SL: Roman statue of Venus
Chapps.SL: Painted panel depicting Aphrodite adorning herself with a necklace
Chapps.SL: Bronze mirror depicting Aphrodite and Pan playing knucklebones accompanied by Eros
Chapps.SL: Statue of the Knidian Aphrodite