Egisto Sani: Myths – Pelias, Jason - I
Mary Warren 21.6 Million Views: Wheaton, IL, Cantigny Park, Gated Path to the Fountain
- Ozymandias -: Salzburg Sunrise
- Ozymandias -: Salzburg Sunrise
- Ozymandias -: Salzburg Sunrise
raffaele pagani: Ostrakon figurato con rappresentazione di una ballerina in posizione acrobatica (1292–1076 a.C. Nuovo Regno -XIX-XX dinastia) - materiale: pietra / calcare, pittura - dimensioni 11,5 x 17 x 4 cm. Provenienza Deir el-Medina - Museo Egizio, Torino
MsSusanB: 1-11 Ennion at The Met
MsSusanB: 1-1 Ennion at The Met
MsSusanB: 1-8 Ennion at The Met
diffendale: Fragment of a Roman sarcophagus with agricultural scenes in Benevento
diffendale: Canosan Polychrome figure vase from the Varrese Hypogeum, 2
diffendale: Canosan Polychrome figure vase from the Varrese Hypogeum, 1
diffendale: Roman marble Corinthianizing pilaster capital, 4
diffendale: Fragment of a Roman marble frieze decorated with garlands and bucrania
diffendale: Oplontis, Villa A: Roman sculpture group of Hermaphroditus and satyr 3
diffendale: Oplontis: Villa A, Triclinium 14, 1
diffendale: Oplontis: Villa A, Triclinium 14, 8
diffendale: Foligno Circus Maximus relief 1
diffendale: Foligno Circus Maximus relief 2
diffendale: MANN 6136: Roman marble bust of a philosopher 1
diffendale: MANN 6416: Wounded warrior, so-called Farnese Gladiator 2
diffendale: MANN 6299: Aphrodite of Dresden-Capitoline type with portrait head 3
diffendale: Nola, Tomba Weege 30, long side 1, 9
diffendale: Nola, Tomba Weege 30, long side 1, 12
HEN-Magonza: Torino, Museo Egizio, Mumienporträt aus ptolemäischer Zeit (mummy portrait, Ptolemeic Dynasty)
diffendale: Cup containing Egyptian Blue pigment from Pompeii
diffendale: Ptolemaic or Roman-period bronze lamp in the form of an elephant with rider
diffendale: Roman bronze applique of a bearded, turbaned man (3)
diffendale: Ptolemaic terracotta figurine of an elephant with rider, from Tebtynis (2)
diffendale: Roman marble funerary altar of Fabia Stratonice