Chapps.SL: Head of Ptolemy IX showing evidence of iconoclasm
Chapps.SL: Ptolemaic gold hairnet - detail
Chapps.SL: Closeup of Herakles knot at the front of a golden diadem
Chapps.SL: Ptolemaic gold diadem
Chapps.SL: Masks and foot covers of 'Corn Mummies'
Chapps.SL: Gold oktadrachm of Ptolemy II Philadelphos
Chapps.SL: Gold openwork hairnet with medallion
Chapps.SL: Gold stater of Ptolemy I
Chapps.SL: Three Ptolemaic gold oktadrachm coins
Chapps.SL: Ptolemaic Egyptian relief plaque with two swallows
Chapps.SL: Gold snake armlet
Chapps.SL: Blue faience Aphrodite Anadyomene, from Egypt
Chapps.SL: Blue faience statuette of Isis and Horus
Chapps.SL: Plaque with bust of a divine child with earring (Ihy?)