Chapps.SL: Granite statue depicting the goddess Isis suckling her son Horus (from Hadrian’s Villa)
Chapps.SL: Detail of a mosaic depicting a pair of centaurs fighting cats of prey, from Hadrian's Villa
Chapps.SL: Statue of so-called ‘Satyr in repose’, Capitoline Museums
Chapps.SL: The Townley Diskobolos
Chapps.SL: Relief of a youth with his horse and dog
Chapps.SL: Mosaic of the Doves ('Capitoline Doves')
Chapps.SL: Statue of Hercules (Lansdowne Herakles)
Chapps.SL: Alabaster ‘Osiris Canopus’ jar from Hadrian’s Villa
Chapps.SL: Roman polychrome floor mosaic with a checkerboard pattern, from Hadrian’s Villa
Chapps.SL: Rosso antico marble bust of a man wearing a laurel wreath
Chapps.SL: The Lansdowne Herakles