Chapps.SL: Crescent necklace from the Asyut Treasure
Chapps.SL: Byzantine ivory diptych relief
Chapps.SL: A drawing of a marmorarius, cutting marble at a trestle table
Chapps.SL: Fragment of a glass dish depicting men returning from a hunt
Chapps.SL: Necklace from Asyut Treasure
Chapps.SL: Colossal bronze head of the emperor Constantine
Chapps.SL: Late Roman gold bracelets with colored stones and glass
Chapps.SL: Byzantine era earrings from Egypt
Chapps.SL: Mosaic ceiling of the San Zeno chapel, Basilica of Saint Praxedes (Basilica di Santa Prassede), Rome
Chapps.SL: Necklace with Christian gold marriage medallion and pagan hematite amulet
Chapps.SL: Gold chain and pendant with a cameo of the Annunciation
Chapps.SL: Glass bowl vase with the portrait of a young man
Chapps.SL: Fragment of a floor mosaic with the personification of Ktisis
Chapps.SL: Byzantine marble portrait bust of a woman with a scroll