Chapps.SL: Cupid and Psyche sculpture group, Capitoline Museums
Chapps.SL: Over life size sculpted limestone head of a woman
Chapps.SL: Bronze figure of Jupiter (Roman, 1st-2nd c. CE)
Chapps.SL: Over life-size marble statue of Apollo Kithara
Chapps.SL: Relief with a Dionysiac procession
Chapps.SL: Colossal polychrome marble statue of a seated Minerva (or Cybele)
Chapps.SL: Enthroned colossal polychrome marble statue of a goddess
Chapps.SL: Closeup of a marble statue of the emperor Augustus as Pontifex Maximus (Via Labicana Augustus)
Chapps.SL: Marble statue of the emperor Augustus as Pontifex Maximus (Via Labicana Augustus)
Chapps.SL: Statue of a Seated Warrior. Boncompagni Ludovisi collection
Chapps.SL: Headless statue of Aphrodite-Venus Anadyomene
Chapps.SL: Marble head of the Roman emperor Elagabalus
Chapps.SL: Marble Roman sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the seasons
Chapps.SL: Romano-British statuette of Mars
Chapps.SL: Carrara marble bust of Emperor Commodus as Hercules
Chapps.SL: Closeup of marble portrait of Emperor Commodus as Hercules
Chapps.SL: Marble funerary altar for a child named Anthus
Chapps.SL: Closeup of the colossal marble head of the god Asclepius
Chapps.SL: Portrait head of the emperor Nero
Chapps.SL: Gilded copper figure of Hercules
Chapps.SL: Roman marble statuette of a sleeping Cupid
Chapps.SL: Limestone funerary bust of a woman, early Roman portrait
Chapps.SL: Head of a bronze female sculpture from the Villa dei Papiri, Herculaneum
Chapps.SL: Sculpture of Leda and the swan
Chapps.SL: Front panel of a Roman garland sarcophagus
Chapps.SL: Marble head of an athlete
Chapps.SL: Marble statue of Meleager
Chapps.SL: Statue of a bearded Dionysus, known as ‘Dionysus Sardanapalus’
Chapps.SL: Marble sculpture of the archaic-style Dionysus Sardanapalus
Chapps.SL: Relief with the seer Calchas