Chapps.SL: Rosso antico marble relief of a Dionysian mask
Chapps.SL: The 'Great' Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus, Palazzo Altemps, Rome
Chapps.SL: Detail from the Ludovisi Battle sarcophagus, showing a cornicen (with horn) and a Roman soldier wearing chain mail
Chapps.SL: Closeup of the 'General' on the Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus
Chapps.SL: Colossal marble head known as the ‘Juno Ludovisi’
Chapps.SL: Statue of a Seated Warrior. Boncompagni Ludovisi collection
Chapps.SL: The Ludovisi Gaul
Chapps.SL: Detail of the loggia of Palazzo Altemps, Rome
Chapps.SL: Fresco fragment depicting a man with a short tunic, cloak, and spear
Chapps.SL: Colossal sculpture group with Dionysus and a satyr
Chapps.SL: Statue of the Knidian Aphrodite
Chapps.SL: Marble statue of Isis-Demeter
Chapps.SL: Statue of a crouching Aphrodite with a dolphin and Eros
Chapps.SL: Funerary relief of a horseman (Salian priest?)
Chapps.SL: Youthful Dionysus with traces of gilding
Chapps.SL: Ludovisi ‘Fury’
Chapps.SL: Statue of Herakles
Chapps.SL: Fresco fragment depicting Pan with a thyrsus
Chapps.SL: Roman fresco entitled ‘Girl With a Box’
Chapps.SL: Cylindrical marble base with winged dancers and acanthus volutes
Chapps.SL: Grey granite bust of Pharaoh Amenemhet III
Chapps.SL: Marble spiral column, known as the Ludovisi Column