Chapps.SL: Roman marble portrait bust of a veiled woman
Chapps.SL: Marble portrait of a 1st c. CE woman (‘Dama Fonseca’)
Chapps.SL: Marble portrait bust of a 1st c. CE Roman woman (‘Dama Fonseca’)
Chapps.SL: Statue of Empress Faustina Minor (the Younger), 2nd c. CE
Chapps.SL: Colossal marble head known as the ‘Juno Ludovisi’
Chapps.SL: Closeup of a marble statue of the emperor Augustus as Pontifex Maximus (Via Labicana Augustus)
Chapps.SL: Marble statue of the emperor Augustus as Pontifex Maximus (Via Labicana Augustus)
Chapps.SL: Marble head of the Roman emperor Elagabalus
Chapps.SL: Carrara marble bust of Emperor Commodus as Hercules
Chapps.SL: Closeup of marble portrait of Emperor Commodus as Hercules
Chapps.SL: Portrait head of the emperor Nero
Chapps.SL: Marble head of the Roman empress Vibia Sabina, wife of Hadrian
Chapps.SL: Bronze portrait bust of Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus Pontifex, Villa dei Papyri, Herculaneum
Chapps.SL: Marble torso of a man in armor (Emperor Tiberius?)
Chapps.SL: Inscribed marble portrait of Claudia Olympias
Chapps.SL: Marble portrait of Matidia, mother-in-law of Emperor Hadrian
Chapps.SL: Marble portrait bust of the co-emperor Lucius Verus
Chapps.SL: Marble portrait of the co-emperor Lucius Verus
Chapps.SL: Marble portrait of the emperor Antoninus Pius
Chapps.SL: Statue of a youth - perhaps a Julio-Claudian prince - on horseback
Chapps.SL: Gilded bronze equestrian statue of emperor Marcus Aurelius
Chapps.SL: Bronze statue of the emperor Trebonianus Gallus
Chapps.SL: Bust of a Roman emperor as an Egyptian pharaoh
Chapps.SL: Marble portrait bust of the Roman emperor Hadrian
Chapps.SL: Bust of the Roman emperor Caracalla, Hall of the Emperors
Chapps.SL: Sculpture of the Roman empress Faustina the Elder
Chapps.SL: Bust of the Roman emperor Tiberius
Chapps.SL: Bust of Roman emperor Septimius Severus
Chapps.SL: Marble relief depicting the apotheosis of empress Sabina, wife of Hadrian
Chapps.SL: Cameo portrait of the Roman emperor Trajan and his wife Plotina