Chapps.SL: 2nd c. CE Roman floor mosaic panel
Chapps.SL: Roman mosaic panel with pygmies in a Nilotic scene
Chapps.SL: Mosaic pavement from an apse: a hunt in the marshlands
Chapps.SL: Roman black and white mosaic depicting a marine thiasos
Chapps.SL: Closeup of a floor mosaic with the head of the god Pan
Chapps.SL: Central emblema from a 1st c. BCE - 1st c. CE Roman geometric mosaic
Chapps.SL: Roman black and white geometric mosaic with colorful central emblema
Chapps.SL: Mosaic emblema of a cat catching a partridge, above two ducks
Chapps.SL: Mosaic of a Roman Port Scene, North Africa (1-300 CE)
Chapps.SL: Mosaic with a view of the Nile
Chapps.SL: Mosaic of Zeus and Ganymede
Chapps.SL: Floor mosaic with the head of a satyr
Chapps.SL: Part of a months and seasons mosaic, featuring July and a medallion of Summer
Chapps.SL: Roman marine mosaic, part 1
Chapps.SL: Roman marine mosaic, part 2
Chapps.SL: Roman wall mosaic with ship and lighthouse
Chapps.SL: Floor mosaic with Nilotic landscape
Chapps.SL: Mosaic depicting the Four Seasons
Chapps.SL: Roman mosaic from Utica, Tunisia depicting a fishing scene
Chapps.SL: Central emblema of a mosaic, depicting a personification of abundance
Chapps.SL: Closeup of a round geometric mosaic, with the head of Medusa
Chapps.SL: Fragmentary opus sectile mosaic depicting the head of the god Sol
Chapps.SL: Detail of a mosaic emblema depicting cupids subduing a lion
Chapps.SL: Detail of a mosaic depicting a pair of centaurs fighting cats of prey, from Hadrian's Villa
Chapps.SL: Mosaic floor depicting combat between Dares and Entellus
Chapps.SL: Panel from a mosaic floor from Antioch depicting a hare eating grapes
Chapps.SL: Detail of mosaic with Nilotic scene - feeding a rose-wreathed crocodile
Chapps.SL: Fragment of a mosaic emblema with a fishing scene
Chapps.SL: Mosaic pavement depicting the four charioteer factions of the Roman circus
Chapps.SL: Mosaic: detail of the White faction charioteer and horse