Chapps.SL: Short hieratic Book of the Dead of the chief baker Padiamenet
Chapps.SL: Mummy cartonnage of a woman from Hawara, Egypt
Chapps.SL: Sarcophagus of Wahibreemakhet, Egypt
Chapps.SL: Egyptian tomb wall painting showing Nubians bringing tribute from the south to Pharaoh
Chapps.SL: Egyptian tomb painting depicting Nubians offering gold tribute to the Pharaoh
Chapps.SL: Painted plaster wall fragment from the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III
Chapps.SL: Egyptian winged goddess
Chapps.SL: Mummy portrait of a young man from Hawara, Egypt
Chapps.SL: The King's Acquaintances Memi and Sabu, Egypt, Old Kingdom
Chapps.SL: Ostrakon (shard) depicting a cat and a mouse
Chapps.SL: Egyptian relief of a New Kingdom nobleman
Chapps.SL: Mummy of a young woman from Roman Egypt
Chapps.SL: Greek limestone sphinx from Egypt
Chapps.SL: Cameo with bust of the goddess Isis
Chapps.SL: Fragment of a painted mummy shroud, showing a woman's face (Fayum, Egypt)
Chapps.SL: Limestone statue of Horemheb and wife
Chapps.SL: Glazed faience tile representing a captive Nubian
Chapps.SL: Relief image of Akhenaten (?) and Nefertiti (The Wilbour Plaque)
Chapps.SL: Tomb painting of the noblewoman Lady Tjepu
Chapps.SL: Woman with Earrings, Fayum mummy portrait
Chapps.SL: Painted panel depicting Aphrodite adorning herself with a necklace
Chapps.SL: Painted panel with the goddess Isis-Fortuna
Chapps.SL: Mummy portrait of an elderly woman
Chapps.SL: Bust of a Roman emperor as an Egyptian pharaoh
Chapps.SL: Gravestone of a Romano-Egyptian soldier
Chapps.SL: Mummy portrait of a man
Chapps.SL: Faience vase in the form of winged Eros riding a goose
Chapps.SL: Ushabti of Ankhhap
Chapps.SL: Mummy portrait of a young girl
Chapps.SL: Faience plaque of the god Best, used as a baby rattle