Chapps.SL: Mummy portrait of a woman with a Flavian hairstyle
Chapps.SL: Romano-Egyptian mummy portrait of a man
Chapps.SL: Cartonnage of Nespanetjerenpare
Chapps.SL: Closeup of the cartonnage of Nespanetjerenpare
Chapps.SL: IMG_2271
Chapps.SL: Samian ware beaker with the cremated remains of a child
Chapps.SL: Huge round glass blue pyxis (squat lidded box)
Chapps.SL: Etruscan alabaster cinerary urn with the figure of a banqueting man
Chapps.SL: Mummy portrait of Isidora
Chapps.SL: Romano-Egyptian mummy portrait of a young woman
Chapps.SL: Funerary altar of Caius Julius Saecularis - full of symbols!
Chapps.SL: The Portonaccio Battle Sarcophagus
Chapps.SL: Etruscan bronze jug with the word ‘SUTHINA’ (grave goods) inscribed on the side
Chapps.SL: 2nd c. CE Roman sarcophagus with a Dionysian procession
Chapps.SL: Funerary relief known as the ‘Beauty of Palmyra’
Chapps.SL: The 'Great' Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus, Palazzo Altemps, Rome
Chapps.SL: Front panel from an Etruscan alabaster cinerary urn
Chapps.SL: Painted plaster wall fragment from the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III
Chapps.SL: Marble Roman sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the seasons
Chapps.SL: Marble sarcophagus depicting the life of Achilles
Chapps.SL: Marble funerary altar for a child named Anthus
Chapps.SL: Egyptian winged goddess
Chapps.SL: Roman marble statuette of a sleeping Cupid
Chapps.SL: Limestone funerary bust of a woman, early Roman portrait
Chapps.SL: Mummy portrait of a young man from Hawara, Egypt
Chapps.SL: Front panel of a Roman garland sarcophagus
Chapps.SL: Encaustic mummy portrait of a thin-faced, bearded man
Chapps.SL: Roman tomb painting depicting a Bacchanalia
Chapps.SL: Closeup of Roman woman on a funerary relief, depicting a couple
Chapps.SL: Marble tombstone of the doctor Claudius Agathemerus and his wife Myrtale