Chapps.SL: Funerary altar of Caius Julius Saecularis - full of symbols!
Chapps.SL: Polychrome and gilded marble Mithraic relief
Chapps.SL: Roman clay tile with brick stamp and toddler’s footprint
Chapps.SL: 2nd c. CE Roman sarcophagus with a Dionysian procession
Chapps.SL: Sculpture group depicting a Roman patrician couple as Venus and Mars
Chapps.SL: Sculpture of a Virgo Vestala Maxima, chief priestess of the Vestal Virgins in Rome
Chapps.SL: Terracotta bust of Kore (Persephone)
Chapps.SL: Headless statue of Aphrodite-Venus Anadyomene
Chapps.SL: Closeup of the colossal marble head of the god Asclepius
Chapps.SL: Cinerary urn for a woman who sold robes embroidered in gold
Chapps.SL: Statue of a woman with the attributes of Ceres
Chapps.SL: Cinerary urn for a slave of emperor Vespasian
Chapps.SL: Funerary ‘kline’ (couch) monument
Chapps.SL: Right side of funerary altar for an unknown Roman elite couple
Chapps.SL: Funerary altar of unknown Roman elite couple
Chapps.SL: Left side of funerary altar for an unknown Roman elite couple
Chapps.SL: Funerary relief of Maria Auxesis, depicting her as a respectable matrona
Chapps.SL: Funerary altar for a priestess of Isis
Chapps.SL: Closeup of image of priestess of Isis on her funerary altar
Chapps.SL: Colossal marble theater mask of a satyr
Chapps.SL: Colossal marble theater mask of a slave
Chapps.SL: Over-lifesize bronze head of a Lucius Cornelius Pusio
Chapps.SL: Terracotta ‘Campana’ relief depicting a tropaeum (trophy) and prisoners
Chapps.SL: Glass vessel, ampulla, in the shape of a pomegranate
Chapps.SL: Fresco of a dancing woman with a garland, perhaps a maenad
Chapps.SL: Fresco fragment depicting a man - perhaps Dionysus or a satyr?
Chapps.SL: Fragment of a gladiator relief
Chapps.SL: Mosaic floor with the head of Medusa
Chapps.SL: Terracotta bust of Kore (Persephone)
Chapps.SL: Marble sculpture group of Venus and Mars with portrait heads