Chapps.SL: Bronze head of Medusa from Caligula's Nemi ships
Chapps.SL: Discobolus Lancellotti
Chapps.SL: Two copies of the Discobolus, Palazzo Massimo
Chapps.SL: The Portonaccio Battle Sarcophagus
Chapps.SL: Hellenistic bronze statue known as the 'Boxer at Rest'
Chapps.SL: Closeup of the hands of the 'Boxer at Rest' bronze sculpture
Chapps.SL: Roman black and white mosaic depicting a marine thiasos
Chapps.SL: Closeup of a floor mosaic with the head of the god Pan
Chapps.SL: Herm portrait of a wealthy Roman charioteer
Chapps.SL: Detail from the garden fresco of Livia's Villa
Chapps.SL: Detail of Livia's garden fresco, with quince and strawberry trees
Chapps.SL: Central emblema from a 1st c. BCE - 1st c. CE Roman geometric mosaic
Chapps.SL: Roman black and white geometric mosaic with colorful central emblema
Chapps.SL: Mosaic emblema of a cat catching a partridge, above two ducks
Chapps.SL: Statue of Empress Faustina Minor (the Younger), 2nd c. CE
Chapps.SL: Ancient Roman fresco fragment with a marine theme
Chapps.SL: Ancient fresco with a marine theme
Chapps.SL: Colossal polychrome marble statue of a seated Minerva (or Cybele)
Chapps.SL: Enthroned colossal polychrome marble statue of a goddess
Chapps.SL: Closeup of a marble statue of the emperor Augustus as Pontifex Maximus (Via Labicana Augustus)
Chapps.SL: Marble statue of the emperor Augustus as Pontifex Maximus (Via Labicana Augustus)
Chapps.SL: Detail of the chest of the bronze 'Hellenistic Prince' and its many colors
Chapps.SL: Polychrome statue of Dionysus
Chapps.SL: Roman mosaic depicting Dionysus and Ariadne fighting the Indians
Chapps.SL: Floor mosaic with the head of a satyr
Chapps.SL: Marble head of the Roman empress Vibia Sabina, wife of Hadrian
Chapps.SL: Tomb fresco depicting a peacock and people at a rural shrine
Chapps.SL: Funerary relief of the Decii
Chapps.SL: Floor mosaic with Nilotic landscape
Chapps.SL: Decorative bronze lion's head protome, from one of Caligula's Lake Nemi ships