Chapps.SL: Alabastron (perfume jar) with an Amazon
Chapps.SL: Boeotian black-figure skyphos depicting Odysseus crossing the sea on amphorae
Chapps.SL: 4th c. BCE black-figure skyphos depicting Odysseus and Circe
Chapps.SL: Granodiorite statue of King Taharqa, Egypt
Chapps.SL: Gandharan statue of the Buddha
Chapps.SL: Marble tombstone of the doctor Claudius Agathemerus and his wife Myrtale
Chapps.SL: Mummy of a young woman from Roman Egypt
Chapps.SL: Fragment of a painted mummy shroud, showing a woman's face (Fayum, Egypt)
Chapps.SL: Romano-Egyptian mummy portrait
Chapps.SL: Romano-Egyptian mummy portrait of a curly-haired and bearded man
Chapps.SL: Double-sided mummy portrait of a woman (side B)
Chapps.SL: Double-sided mummy portrait of a woman (side A)
Chapps.SL: Fragmentary faience sistrum (noise maker, for religious ceremonies) with the face of the goddess Hathor
Chapps.SL: Terracotta camels, saddled: one with a rider and one laden with amphorae
Chapps.SL: Tombstone and epitaph of the child Macrinius Maximinus,
Chapps.SL: Sardonyx engraved gem - an emperor on horseback, perhaps Titus
Chapps.SL: Marble statuette of Hercules and the Erymanthian Boar
Chapps.SL: Terracotta Aphrodite-Venus (or a woman dressed as Venus at her toilet)
Chapps.SL: Bronze aegis of the Egyptian god Khnum
Chapps.SL: Tetradrachm from Messana, celebrating an Olympic mule cart victory
Chapps.SL: Terracotta relief plaque depicting a veiled bride with Eros
Chapps.SL: Altar of Lucius Marcius Pacatus as Hercules
Chapps.SL: Tombstone of the tribune Lucius Pompeius Marcellinus
Chapps.SL: Pair of decorative woven sleeve bands from 5th c. Coptic Egypt
Chapps.SL: Woven textile with
Chapps.SL: Miniature portrait of Sir Everard Fawkener (abt. 1753-5), by Jean-Etienne Liotard
Chapps.SL: Grave monument of Archippus