Ken Mattison: Sempervivum tectorum-common house leek
JEO126: Bonaparte's gull
Dancing Snake Nature Photography: _L9A3599 LIFER! Altimira Oriole ©Dancing Snake Nature Photography
andrew.gottscho: 1I6A2070-chiracahuas
Ken Mattison: Blackberry lily...
pbertner: Mating dead leaf-mimicking katydids (Typophyllum sp.)
pbertner: Fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper) polymorphic variability
suzanne~: Four peaches
Matt Buckingham: Hover Fly
Wayne24185071: The little egret (Egretta garzetta)
sdttds: IMG_0759_Juvenile alligator lizard
T. Knight: I'll Leave a Light On
dshoning: Perched on the Reed
cre8foru2009: Carolina Sphinx (Manduca sexta)
Zachary Cava: Common Whitetail
Ian N. White: Three-banded Plover (Charadrius tricollaris)
pbertner: Ant and cockroach competing for honeydew from fulgorid hopper
Le P'tit Eric!!!!!: Storm......
Matthieu Berroneau: Cicindela hybrida
Ken Mattison: Pink rose....
JEO126: Semipalmated plover
Thor Hakonsen: Calloselasma rhodostoma
scott5024: Mirror Mirror
FotoGrazio: Inspiring Ponderosa
Kevin Clarke1969: Common Lizard juvenile having hard day.
T. Knight: Succulent with Rising Sun: Vintage Lens
scott5024: Walking the line
cre8foru2009: Cave Salamander
Luna y Valencia: Cuando el sol se va en La Jolla