rick: O Hai! It's been a while.
Chris Garrity: peter_self_portrait
sonci: neck & sonic in ventura, sept 10, 2004
helical_wiggler: 11 Years
sonci: work selfie!
poetrosakranse: DSC_9797
smartacus: Bay Area Science Festival at AT&T Park
sonci: Fatty and Mabel Adrift, 1916
sonci: sonic at The Saloon bathroom
smartacus: Ready for Lela's first hike day at preschool
rick: booze
helical_wiggler: donut cake
ancawonka: New york
sonci: me & sloth
smartacus: Inspecting a dead bird
kelleymcd: DSCN3430
ancawonka: #pocket
smartacus: Lela graduated out of her crib last night. And later woke to find her parents taking photos and snickering!
smartacus: Toddlers love excavators
Ingólfur B: Cave With Aurora Skylight.
smartacus: Hamilton is not a fan.
sonci: Little Poppa
sanjay.c1990: The Enchanted Pool
PeterTeuben: Foggy Sunrise
smartacus: John and I at Machete 2: Machete Kills