5loaves2fish: 2019-01-13 at 10-07-18
adde adesokan: Nap in the Sun, Trastevere - Rome
adde adesokan: Portraits of Strangers: Alina - Europapassage, Hamburg
adde adesokan: Blitzwinter in Lucerne
Birdhouse camper: Reflection
acastleblue: Well... giving the rain reflections their due...
acastleblue: Flying through the bass lines...
acastleblue: Follow me...
acastleblue: Rotate it counter-clockwise 45°...
acastleblue: Hints of blue skies to come...
acastleblue: Sunny day Winter walks...
acastleblue: Lines of wire...
acastleblue: And there are moments that spin...
acastleblue: Fragments of February found laying on an imaginary floor...
clifflef: between the lines of age
koen_jacobs: Walkers
koen_jacobs: Stairway to heaven
Secorgardens: 70/365 Ohio State Reformatory
Secorgardens: 68/365 Ohio State Reformatory
Nicholas Scarpinato: Falling under my eyes.
Secorgardens: The Traveler
saminspeer: Tower
kayodeok: Lunchtime Fog
Robert Greatrix: Food Photography | Tomatoes on Wood (Explored)
wjosna: ripple effect
Chrisnaton: Gone but not forgotten