Michael Raso - Film Photography Podcast: SIGNET PAN High Contrast 35mm BW Film
mandokid1: American Tree Sparrow.
julefi: Bad Urach 92018
KHR Images: Stonechat - "Merry Christmas"
marliodasilva: F**ck Your Selfie
J-o-H: Happy New Year 2018
Ifyouleavethestreet: F L O W E R.
Karl Johan: Grainy Monday
muirtrail68: Sparrow's 1
hal_gorithm: HP170731262.jpg
John Teulon Ladd: Minolta Hi-Matic F 01
phamnes: (2018)
Régis Nuuk: _img-aml-dia-050
phamnes: Overgrown slide (2011)
phamnes: Syv Søstre 1/3 (2012)
Tony Joness: Innsbruch, Austria. Zeiss Ikonta 523/Ilford HP5+
BlueMod: A storm's a coming. Moments after this was taken, the skies opened and we were assaulted by hailstones on a Biblical scale.
Orion Alexis: Tokyo ramen counter
Orion Alexis: Typical Tokyo
Orion Alexis: Tokyo Skytree
Orion Alexis: Tokyo Street
Kent C.: Zipper Cat