Ariassa: a catedral
stuttno: leaf
jonstraveladventures: Alpine scene 2
Toñin1959: La ermita del mar
youlzz: BCC6
g-auz: Julien à Clermont
Radenkovic N: prague taxi
graftedno1: The better to see you.
Hausstaubmilbe: sunset °°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Eduardo Estéllez: Paisaje con glamour
Simutis [nancy]: and summer rains arrive
helen sotiriadis: structure
Egonomad: The Sea of Clouds
Thunderbolt_TW: blue lake 藍調明潭
NPPhotographie: ... fünf gerade sein lassen können - take five
jonstraveladventures: light through the smoke and trees
ftjabugo1: iluminando el amanecer
Fort Photo: Perseid Meteors Penetrating Circumpolar Star Trails
jonstraveladventures: night shot colour (no alteration in saturation)
jonstraveladventures: leaf reflection
Seracat: enyor
Bernardo del Palacio: ¿Y la belleza de otro otoño...?/ And the beauty of another fall ...?
Francis (fm) : XACOBEO 2010 (Ultreia)
Lord Jezzer: Where the Ghosts Go
digitelwerk: Viewing Deck at Kemasik
Patricia Moura ( Norwegian reflection
jaari: Suðursveit til versturs
Ó.Guð: Lime