Alexandre Milan: Messager sagitaire(au couchant) - Secretarybird ( at sunset)
richard_morel: Bécasseau semipalmé / Semipalmated Sandpiper
Gf220warbler: Western Tanager
Gf220warbler: Western Tanager
piranhabros: Sparrows
michafink: Common Redshank - Tringa totanus (May '24)
Christoph Fischer: The Telephoto: The Ideal Lens for Landscape Photography! CapeDisappointment12
look to see: My daughter's glass art.
GORGEous nature: Bullock's Oriole 20230704_0887
ericnzhou: White-necked Jacobin Mandarin Duck 1331
KaAuenwasser: Gelbes Laub und Eisvogel 2 Bull Elk
Maria Echaniz: The enchanting tree
@wilder_action: Flying foot rub (identification please)
Ron J. Miller: Some Moss
GORGEous nature: Canada Jay 20230630_0540
Roger van Gelder: White Tail, Big Ears
nature boy photos: Laser focused Coyote
Carsten Bahnsen: Eichhörnchen - red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
KaAuenwasser: Strecken
KaAuenwasser: Blauer Sturzflug
@wilder_action: Stand up and Bee a Man
hd.niel: Wing Display