monteregina: Autumn reflections - Réflexions automnales
V.C. Wald: Crimp Ear in the meadow
Coast Guard News: Coast Guard celebrates 75th Anniversary of Aviation Logistics Center
Coast Guard News: Coast Guard celebrates 75th Anniversary of Aviation Logistics Center
Coast Guard News: Coast Guard celebrates 75th Anniversary of Aviation Logistics Center
Portuguese_eyes: Palácio dos Condes de Anadia - Mangualde - Portugal 🇵🇹
Portuguese_eyes: Palácio dos Condes de Anadia - Mangualde - Portugal 🇵🇹
Eduardo Amorim: Los Alazanes de Laprida
IRRphotography: Saville Dam
Ken Zirkel: Stonington Light
Michael Mehl: Vulanic Coast of Ferreira, São Miguel, Açores, Portugal
pinktigger: DSCN1915 fading feelings from pink to blue
alisonhulot: Glastonbury Tor
PedroMadruga: Hyperoodon ampullatus
sam2cents: Honey Bee Paradise
natureloving: Bleeding heart flower, Dicentra spectabilis, Lamprocapnos spectabilis (spring flowers)
mimicapecod: Setting Sun at Wood End Light
KimHojnackiPhotography: Field of Glory
Terri.Flickr.Chic ♥: Defying Gravity
heath_bar: Slave Leia 20
Eduardo Amorim: Se despilchando
Eduardo Amorim: Mirando as "nuve"...
James Rainsford: Dawn at the mouth of the Dart
rarebit _: jessica rarebit,, ,,,deaner skate park ,,bristol
KimHojnackiPhotography: Country Drive
Kev Palmer: Morning in Gold
Mark McDonald [blueelise]: Apple of Great Grandads Eye