sam2cents: Sam's Family
sam2cents: Under the Canopy
sam2cents: Bluebells, dandelions and many more
sam2cents: Honeybee on Dandelion
sam2cents: Gwynne's Mining Bee
sam2cents: Dandelion Seedhead
sam2cents: On my Bench
sam2cents: Ornamental Cherry
sam2cents: Buzzard in Silhouette
sam2cents: Jackdaw with nesting material
sam2cents: Tawny Mining Bee, female
sam2cents: Pond and Garden
sam2cents: Starling
sam2cents: Red Berberus blossom
sam2cents: Tawny Mining Bee, male
sam2cents: Radial Resting
sam2cents: Holly Blue
sam2cents: Drone Fly on Pear Blossom
sam2cents: Full Moon
sam2cents: Saucer Magnolia
sam2cents: Magnolia in Full Bloom
sam2cents: Camellia
sam2cents: Shag
sam2cents: Composing at the Seaside
sam2cents: Southwards Bound
sam2cents: Beach People
sam2cents: Forward
sam2cents: White-bellied Brent Geese
sam2cents: Clean Clouds Abive a Dirty Sea
sam2cents: Oystercatchers