mabarror: en el Algarve
~Simmy~: Hesperia comma
~Simmy~: Melanargia galathea
~Simmy~: Melancholie
 Karlos Garciapons : Sobre el estanque...
~Simmy~: Pantherspanner
~Simmy~: Delicate and graceful
~Simmy~: Evening sun
Jürgen... / OFF....: When the day begins
Ioannis Ksanthakis: DSC06440.jpg
mboogiedown: N A O K A Z U: Kamishichiken
nuskas: 20120902_MG_0815g
Colin Hutton Photography: Phidippus mystaceus
Colin Hutton Photography: Phidippus insignarius courtship display
Colin Hutton Photography: Luna moth - Actias luna
flow.: L'atelier du peintre
Fardels.: A DEVIL IN THE FOREST - DAMSELFLY - Coenagrion scitulum
Macroloupe Visions MV: Amour impossible 2
Paqui Izquierdo: Montañas en Vatnajökull
Nicolás Merino: Help (o la carnicería)
tomymac: El flautista de las libelulas
MichymonePhoto: Gonepteryx-Cleopatra-(Linnaeus,-1767)Female
Chip Phillips: Winter Barn Palouse
Chip Phillips: Death Valley Dune Storm
Chip Phillips: Vertical Wizards Hat, Bandon Oregon
Lijah Hanley: Beauty and the Beast
David Martin Castan: IIbón de Plan