Hans Surfer (where the action is): Lily a red and white Havanese!
Patrick Leveque: Portrait.
Patrick Leveque: Soleil d'avril sur la Tamise.
Sohail Karmani: Heroin addict
Fedebrique: 2015-04-Camargue
al.cal: 73... Embarquement
Hans Surfer (where the action is): 7 month Chocolate Havanese!
Zz manipulation: Tramonto
Alice Aurelia: distant lightning
GEROCIKA: spli'ski siluetin - with dearly departing traveler on the right
sylvaine1: IMG_5622
Fedebrique: 2014-09-Millau 3
dubus regis: Champ de blé Bio à coquelicots
dubus regis: Le manège - The merry-go-round
cskong9932: DSC_6060
Harald Steeg: the red beauty
bb_productionz: BB__7662_Finished
edinei montingelli: Mother, you became a star in heaven.
Fedebrique: Danse
Fedebrique: Fleur blanche !
Andrea Moscato: Washer Woman View - Canyonlands National Park, Utah
juli_ei: JE-IMG_1821-HDR
roba66: Vietnam-Mekong- Es macht Spaß zwischen den Palmen, 0298
roba66: Wilhelma , Chamäleon , 51- 1372