baker2575: American bittern
baker2575: American bittern
baker2575: Wilson's snipe
Wendy E. Miller: Perseid meteor
Jeff Bray: Black-chinned Hummingbird (leucistic)
tcameron19: Townsend`s Warbler
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Chapim de Poupa, Crested Tit (Parus cristatus)
ychuang1: American Tree Sparrow, Bolsa Chica, 11-23-2016
ychuang1: Tufted Duck, Santa Ana River -Lakeview Ave. Anaheim, CA, 11-27-2016
Robert A. Hamilton: DEJU_2 BHCO_Klamath Lake_8-12-15_3a
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Hawk Owl (URN:1741)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Ways to cool down even when ya hot hot.
canuckguyinadarkroom: DSC00194- Bobolink, male
Robert A. Hamilton: LBVI_Whiting Park_3-18-15_RAHamilton_a
Trishrg: Northern Saw-Whet Owl - Aegolius acadicus
Vermont Ed 802: Dog vs. Coyote Track Comparison
canuckguyinadarkroom: DSC07004- The Bee and the Pollen
Don's PhotoStream: The Funniest Things are often Forbidden...
michelle_hall1: Eagle owl
canuckguyinadarkroom: DSC06056- The Squirrel and the Walnut
Maureen Sullivan.: Ready for Winter
canuckguyinadarkroom: 7695- Long Billed Curlew
Doug Greenberg: Common bushtit male
Doug Greenberg: White-crowned sparrow
grandmasandy+chuck: Self-sufficient
rswinkleman: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
rswinkleman: Flame-colored Tanager
rswinkleman: Elegant Trogon