Emerson Fiuza: Flickr Curitiba - Encontro da Geada
Emerson Fiuza: 15º Encontro do Flickr Curitiba
Rubens Nemitz Jr.: delicate sound of knowing...
Jacopo Gennari: The Devil and the Dancer
Larissa Tanaka: Editorial "For One day Only" - Revista VOI ed 60 - Dezembro!
a l t u g: Aliz
Laura Gommans: feathers
Elen Pedroso: ¡Que Te Encante!
Elen Pedroso: ¡Que Te Encante!
Giuseppe Bognanni: All the things I haven't done - Paranoic
Lali Ribeiro: A Dustland Fairytale
SunnyMarry: I never really believed in love. [EXPLORED #24]
Paul v2.0: sky train
Nika Fadul: Burning Into One
Amber Ulmer: Lovely
Amber Ulmer: Ella Bear
Eduardo Ielen: Dancing in the rain
Lu Effie Blue: Oxy Man
Alysson Gomes: Guns, guns... from a long time ago...
Alysson Gomes: Sem Terra Documentary
Alysson Gomes: Homeless of Curitiba
Lali Ribeiro: Ester e Stuart
Amsterdamned!: confusion
simone_lima: _ahh, meus bob's_
Philipp Klinger Photography: Sunset over Duckburg
gardawind: Garda lake....signs of spring...